Cambridge Equine Clinic is a BEVA approved centre for insemination of fresh, chilled and frozen semen. There are several different options if you are considering breeding your mare. We offer highly competitive AI packages at the clinic, can carry out chilled insemination at your home yard or we can prep your mare for natural covering.
Our vet Craig has considerable experience in equine reproduction and Rumaysa has a keen interest in this field having recently undergone further training in stud medicine. Both are very happy to chat through the different options.
If you are considering breeding from your mare, it is worthwhile starting to prepare well-ahead of the natural breeding season, which for mares in the UK is March – July. Planning would include deciding on natural versus artificial insemination and, if the latter, whether fresh, chilled or frozen semen will be used. Each have their pros and cons. Particularly for maiden or barren mares a pre-breeding check is essential. This involves a physical and ultrasonographic examination of the cervix, uterus and ovaries along with a clitoral swab for CEM detection and, if required, a blood sample for EVA and/or EIA. If any problems are identified at this stage, they can be addressed sooner rather than later.
CEC offers packages for mares which are to be bred by artificial insemination. Packages are only available for mares boarding at the clinic for their reproductive work. The exception is mares undergoing chilled insemination who are stabled within 10 miles of the clinic*
Before entry into a packaged AI program a mare must have had a negative CEM (clitoral) swab and be confirmed she is cycling normally within a month of the planned breeding. This can be done at the same time as a pre-breeding exam and may involve the use of a blood sample to measure progesterone levels.
All work to be carried out at CEC. Packages include all routine work, livery and routine drugs relevant to breeding. Some mares are not suitable for a package, due to age or a poor breeding record. Treatment of ovarian or uterine problems or non-cycling mares is not included.
Scans leading up to insemination (once in season) Post-insemination oxytocin injections
Visits (chilled only*) Up to 5 days livery at CEC Post-insemination scans
Prostaglandin injections and ovulating hormone One post-insemination uterine flush
Semen evaluation Insemination
Pregnancy scans at 15 and 25 days post-ovulation if carried out at clinic
Not included:
Sedation (essential if no stocks available at home) Twin management
Treatment of post-breeding endometritis Caslick procedure (if needed)
All prices are inclusive of up to five days livery, visit to yard (chilled AI and within 10 miles of practice only), TWO pregnancy scans and VAT
Pre-breeding exam - £80 (lab fees are extra)
Chilled first cycle - £600
Chilled subsequent cycles - £500
Frozen first cycle - £700
Frozen subsequent cycles - £600
Breeding work carried out at home premises
We are happy to carry out breeding work at the mare’s home premises, where the work will be charged out on an individual basis as per our standard charges. The exception is mares undergoing chilled insemination who are stabled within 10 miles of the clinic.
Owner responsibility
It is the responsibility of the owner to purchase and organise delivery of semen from their chosen stallion. Appropriate export health certification must accompany semen delivery from outside the UK.
If you would like to discuss breeding your mare or an aspect of equine reproduction please call our equine office on 01223 760535.